Acupuncture in Portland, Oregon
Treating Digestive, Autoimmune, Hormonal, Mental Health and Pain Conditions


Acupuncture and Holistic Chinese Medicine Treatments in Portland, Oregon

At Centered Healing, we specialize in holistic treatments addressing digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, and mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. Our practice integrates various modalities of Chinese Medicine, including Acupuncture, bodywork, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy, to promote healing and balance.

A close-up view of a person's hands forming a heart shape around a daisy on their stomach.

Digestive Disorders

Constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, nausea, abdominal pain, IBS/IBD, Chrohns and Celiac disease, SIBO, parasitic/bacterial infections and undiagnosed digestive complaints can effectively be treated with a combination of Acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapies and dietary modifications.

A therapist practicing Chinese Medicine performs acupuncture on a male patient's back, inserting thin needles into his skin in a serene setting in NE Portland.

Autoimmune Conditions

Chinese Medicine diagnostics enable us to identify triggers to your autoimmune condition be it Hashimotos, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBD, Celiac, Lupus, Sjrojen’s etc. Treatment focuses on calming the nervous and immune system, so that you experience fewer symptoms and flare ups, longer periods of remission and a greatly improved quality of life, often with fewer medications required for symptom management.

A young woman in NE Portland looks excitedly at a pregnancy test while sitting on a couch, her hand on her chest.

Gynecology & Hormonal Health

Chinese Medicine excels at regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing PMS, heavy painful periods as well as treating more complicated conditions such as Endometriosis and PCOS. Our expertise also lies in easing the transition through peri-menopause and menopausal states.

Close-up of a hand applying acupuncture treatment on a person's back.

Anxiety and Insomnia

Acupuncture has a powerful effect on the nervous system and is highly effective at reducing symptoms arising from the stress response such as anxiety, insomnia, OCD and addictive behavior. The positive mood altering effects of Acupuncture supports those struggling with mental emotional imbalance including depression.

A woman sitting at a kitchen table in NE Portland, looking stressed, pinching the bridge of her nose while holding glasses in one hand and a laptop open in front of her.

Headache & Migraines

Whether arising from musculoskeletal tension, stress or the internal factors that often trigger migraines, the Chinese Medicine toolbox effectively treats headaches and migraines arising from a variety of causes.

A person receiving cupping therapy, a practice from Chinese Medicine, on their back with a therapist's hands adjusting three glass cups.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Both physical and emotional trauma arising from car accidents are very effectively treated by Chinese Medicine. The sooner treatment begins the better the outcome. If you have been involved in a car accident, please call our office and we will prioritize scheduling you for treatment asap. No referral or initial consult is needed.